How to Build Your First Funnel (the Holy Grail of Online Marketing)
A step-by-step guide to nurturing your audience into customers
Oh, the ever-elusive, magic funnel. It’s the one thing every new online business owner aspires to have one day, but it’s also easily misunderstood.
I think it’s because marketers have used the word “funnel” to describe a sales, marketing, and email funnel. These could be considered the same thing, but they also have distinct nuances.
The common denominator between them is that they help you move your general audience (prospects or leads) to become your client through nurturing.
I will be talking primarily about an email funnel in this article.
[If you’re wondering about my credentials, I’ve spent the last eighteen years working in B2B marketing, focusing mainly on email marketing and other digital strategies. I also coach new business owners in the early launch stages. So, I know a thing or two about funnels.]
I won’t bore you with all the details, though. I know you’re probably thinking that if I could only figure this out, I could automate all my marketing, and clients would reach out to me daily!
As is true for many things in life: Well, yes, and no.