How to Choose the Best Marketing Strategy for You

Agatha Brewer
5 min readMay 16, 2023


When your marketing is aligned to your personality and strengths, you’re much more likely to get results.

Woman working on laptop while lounging on couch at home
Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

When you’re launching a business, one of the first questions you need to answer is: “What is the best marketing strategy for me?”

I also hear this question regularly from the women I work with.

They want to know what strategy will help them get clients the fastest.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no one perfect strategy. There is just the one you feel aligned with and, therefore, will do consistently. And that consistency is what will get you the results you’re after.

Before I share three tips to help you choose the right marketing strategy, I want to define something for you. You see, I intentionally used the word “strategy” in the title of this blog post because I know most people would search for that term instead of searching for the word “channel.”

But there is a subtle difference between the two.

A marketing channel vs. a marketing strategy

A marketing channel is not the same thing as a marketing strategy. A channel is just the way you share your message with the world. It’s basically a means of getting the word out about your business.

It could be anything from social media platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn to blogging, podcasting, or even public speaking.

On the other hand, a strategy is more nuanced than just saying, “I’m going to post 3 times a week on Instagram.” It’s how you will use your particular channel to grow your business.

Everything from the topics you’ll cover, how you show up, the types of content you create, and what journey you’ll take people on to become your customer. As you can see, there’s more to it than just choosing a channel and showing up there.

But that’s another blog for another day…

Back to how you can find the most aligned channel for you!

1. What’s your personality type?

To not fight against your natural personality, you must first know what that is. If you’re an introvert, you’re probably not going to want to be on camera all the time or constantly be sharing your personal life on social media.

So be aware of that when choosing your marketing channel. You may want to stick to marketing channels that give you a sense of control — maybe something where you can edit what you create so you don’t always have to be “on” all the time.

For example, blogging or podcasting allows you to share your message but be more selective about what you say. Or, if you do use social media, you may want to think about creating and scheduling your content in advance so it’s not so draining.

If you’re an ambivert like me, there are days when you’ll be okay being more visible in your business and days when you want to stay behind the scenes and write blog posts. So, schedule days where you’re networking with other people or speaking and when you can stay home and work from the comfort of your office.

And if you’re lucky enough to be a natural extrovert, go forth and network your heart out! Do the things that will grow your business quickly, like going to events and public speaking, and be grateful that you were literally made to be an entrepreneur.

2. Find your natural strengths

When choosing your marketing channels, you’ll want to also take a look at what you’re naturally good at. Are you a great writer? Then perhaps blogging and writing articles for other publications is a good fit.

Or maybe you’re a great teacher. If that’s the case, then consider doing some workshops where you can teach your audience something. This way, they’ll see you as an expert and someone worth learning from.

Another common one is the ability to connect people. If you’re great at connecting others, use that skill to your advantage and plan events with other business owners or think about creating an online community.

3. Understand the stage of business you’re in

Last but definitely not least, you’ll need to understand where you are on your entrepreneurial journey. If you’re starting out, you probably won’t want to do the more advanced technical strategies like paid ads, email marketing, or webinar funnels.

These strategies should be left to people who have more experience. Not that they can’t work for you, but the likelihood of them working is much less because you haven’t yet figured everything out that you need to in your business.

Things like: your target audience, your offers, and you may need more social proof, too. Not to mention that they require much more technical knowledge to set up. So, while adding automation to your marketing can be a good idea in the future, save that type of strategy for later.

Save your hard-earned cash, and try organic strategies like networking, asking for referrals from your friends and family, and posting on social media.

In conclusion

Your marketing should ideally be an extension of you. If you enjoy what you’re doing, you will be much more likely to show up.

So, once you’ve narrowed down your options, check in with yourself and see if you feel any resistance to your chosen channel.

Does it feel like something you’ll enjoy? Does it feel too complicated?

If you feel any resistance, then you may want to reassess. Because you really do want this part of your marketing plan to feel aligned. If your energy is off from the beginning, getting others to want to work with you will be very hard.

And I’m not going to sit here and say that marketing your business is always super exciting all of the time, but it shouldn’t feel difficult.

If, after reading this blog, you’re still wondering what’s the best channel for you, take my free marketing superpower quiz, and you’ll get three custom strategies to try based on your personality and strengths!

And if you’d like more help putting together your own custom marketing plan so you can start attracting clients, check out my 1:1 coaching program for new entrepreneurs.



Agatha Brewer

I help new entrepreneurs get clear in their marketing so they can attract clients. Business Coach + Marketing Mentor.